Category: "Welcome"


So, I've been pissed about this forever, and while I like to think of myself as a nice person, a more than reasonable man, that's not what's showing up recently.

I try to come up with reasons to justify this site, maybe save someone else the bother, provide a reality check, something like that. Yeah, but when I look back at myself, I just didn't listen. So why would you? Unless you are like me (but maybe a little more clear on what makes you tick), and then I feel sorry for you.

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Welcome to Herzblog

Welcome to Herzblog

You are now on the first personally edited page of the Herz blog.

While I don't expect you to be impressed by this - everyone has a blog these days - I must aver that I am impressed with myself. You see, I got up this morning, and really wanted to get a few ideas out into the ether. You see my son graduated his first school (eighth grade) yesterday, but I'll get to that later.

As some of you already know, I have a tendency to do things the right - or is that the hard - way. In my case, I have a new web site. What that means is that I am now seeking to learn all sorts of stuff about web sites. In this case, I was directed to my current web provider - Greengeeks - from a site called b2evo is blogger software, and as b2evo had given me some good direction in choosing my provider, I figured I should use it to do my blogging.

The software download to my computer was easy enough. To upload it, I had to set up a MySQL database (I could figure that out) and upload parts of the software to my site. But first to unpack it. It came as a .zip file, and I have zipeg on my computer. I have done this before.

But I have not received an MSVCR100.DLL is missing error before. I ran registry mechanic, and it obviously found hundreds and hundreds of errors to fix, which it did, but the missing dynamic link library was still missing. I found a utility to fix it on the web. It installed the missing .dll file, and tried to sell me another registry utility. It started searching for registry errors and also found hundreds of them.

So now to unzip. The .dll was wrong. I checked my system32 folder, found an old MSVCR100.DLL that had been renamed, renamed it back, and unzipped b2.evo to my computer. Now to the upload

My provider has no automatic way of doing this, I think/thought/am not really so sure anymore. (I only discovered afterward that a program/utility on cPanel called fantastico would have set up b2evo for me without my having to add it. It's already there apparently, somewhere anyway.) At the time though, I knew even less of what is on cPanel than the bitty bit I know now - but I did know that the upload is done via FTP (File Transfer Protocol), or was pointed in that direction somewhere along the way. I would guess another hour went into figuring out how to make that work. I am using a really simple add-on on Firefox for that now, though I was mostly working on the Opera web server. I would say too simple because I could not designate where my file was going to be uploaded - hence the /mr/blogs - but that might be a management issue from somewhere else

Upload - check, and away we go NOT. Now I had to run it. More time figuring out the correct line to execute the software. I'm in . . . yeah!? What now? It wanted to know my SQL host, and the database name, user name, password. I have started keeping a password list. I can get into cPanel from my account manager, but these use different user names and passwords, and sometimes you need the cPanel information. Damn it. I go in through the manager because I never could figure that out, which is why I can't get into myPHP - don't ask, I don't know either - and why other stuff isn't working. Excellent tech support, another password. How many passwords I reset and created, I don't know, but there is a different user for the FTP, b2evolution, and the affiliate program (you sign up with Greengeeks through my link, and I get money, that is once I get that information. When that has a hypertext link, you know we'll be good to go.

So between this, writing a resume that relegates the last twenty years of my life to a footnote, and an hour of exercise, my day was spent, and I didn't even write my thoughts on graduation. I guess you will see them tomorrow.