Tag: "Daily Musings"


So my notes from last week: Sunrise welcome weather birds: I think I covered this already. I like that the days are getting shorter. We've had some cooler, some warmer. We are in a “drought,” which I think most New Englanders, at least… more »


I know it gets lonely sometimes. Someone needed a later Maariv for a Yahrzeit for his father, who was flying in. I went. I thought of anniversaries. I realized I missed one, that I don't even mark it. I wondered if it occurred to you. I imagined… more »


I am starting to collect notes, unintentionally, of the things I want to share. Sometimes they are still there. Sometimes they lose their lustre. Sometimes they seem to time out. One of those notes is sunrise. It is getting just a little bit later. I… more »


So I came out of Shabbat at 240 even again. I didn't think that would happen. I stayed away from carbs at the kiddushes. I did eat a little watermelon, some challah at Chabad to make it a meal, but not a lot. Still it's better as a top than a… more »


So I made it as low as 232.6 this week. We had the ninth, and then I ate, and then I figured if I do one meal a day a day or two, it wouldn't be so bad. But I told you that already. And it's only a number, but I haven't been this close to… more »