I only have a few minutes, but I wanted to say Hello, Good Week, Shabbat Shalom.
There's a guy at shul. I asked him why he parks as obnoxiously as he does. And his answer was “I've always parked there,” essentially “I've always been an asshole.” Such honesty is sometimes refreshing.
Along those lines, I've been listening to Dennis Prager. He suggests we have a moral obligation to be happy. He says what drives people away from religion is unhappy religious people. He might have a point. I'll send you the link after Shabbat. So I will be happy.
Your mother is here. That makes me happy.
I opened a new journal this week. I wanted to have something by my bed to write down dreams, but it's an artists journal. I think Manu might like it. It's got dots, and there is a plastic shape template in the back. A lot of it is note-taking shapes, but it's fun.
I'm now 13 into the eighteen.
Love You
Shabbat Shalom