Friday's Post, on Tuesday
I think the compression sock is at the office. It might be around here somewhere. We shrunk my foot a bit. That was good. Now my other foot is actually the more painful one, actually from the site of a 35 or 36 year old injury: I dropped a jack on the edge of my foot and it got a bit infected. I think the skin there never really got a robust circulation back in; so it gets cracky.
I had Gerry over for a beer. I had a second beer and it put me out. Gerry ended up letting himself out as I was asleep in my bird watching chair. It's cold as a witch's tit here. Lani will be glad to know that I finally got the firepit fire going. I just abot got frostbite doing it. I also fed the birds. Somehow that trip to home depot cost me 200 dollars. I just went for some screws as they say. That is a lie actually, I went for bird seed. The cheap stuff went up another four dollars or so. The less cheap stuff was now cheaper in the forty pound bag size. I bought four, so that was the first $120. Then I got mineral spirits and high concentration vinegar, and seeds for dill and parsley and cilantro, and four screws. It was all they had of the ones I wanted. I couldn't find them at the home depot in Norwalk though, or at the Lowe's so four already made me happy.
I will find some more.
I am feeling broke again. Close to ten thousand in real estate taxes, close to nine in health care costs, and this month's ten thousand in fees doesn't seem to get me very far.
I think it's time to start selling stuff. I have some stuff I have wanted to sell. I think it's time. For getting up crazy early, I don't feel like I have that much to show. I upgraded one site, and then while trying to upgrade another deleted Lani's Change My Mind by mistake instead. The good thing is I do have access to the database; so I expect we could recreate it even if BlueHost can't make the backup restore work.
I am doing my course. My head is quieter. It makes me nuts I don't have the menu bar at the bottom of my screen, but I am getting used to it.
I have to go make Shabbat now. I made wings and fish. There is a cardinal at my feeder now. They are pretty.
I miss you all.
Have a great week.
I guess I am putting this up later. I did start to delete some of the files I needed to to upgrade my site. Oops.