My Lani provided some cues and here is the result:
Provide, Divide, Conquer
A seed, it grows
and nobody knows
what it will be when it's done
but planting must be
and harvest will follow
let's hope we are proud of what comes.
There's a bulge
and it's bigger
than it was before
Is that a tumor?
Well if they take off a leg, at least you can hop.
And you'll have lost all that weight you've been talking about.
The Manifold is broke
Can't afford a replacement
Car terms make bad poetry
And so does free verse.
Simple pleasure
Simple pain
I'm so sad
It looks like rain
But really I'm not
Just looking to rhyme
I should end the poem
I think it's time
To Play in the Sun
To Dance in the Rain
To Trample the Flowers
And plant seeds again,
and again, and again.
Some words are weird
And this is one
Will the tumor affect my affect.
Or will my affect affect my tumor
I don't know where this was heading
But this poem is done.
Tweeze or go gray,
I guess bald is also an option.
Tease and go play,
The consequences are many fold.
Towel and Wipe, but they should be connected to referencing one another.
The towel said I'm better than you, for I can go 'gain and again,
The wipe said I don't mind, cause I go behind, and put smiles on men.