The Transformative Power of Language
We all love to be heard, to express our opinions, to make our point.
And we were taught as kids that words can't do any harm, who didn't hear or say as a child "sticks and stones can break my bones, but names can never hurt me"
Yet, how many of us have been hurt by words like, you can't, your not smart enough, good enough, pretty enough, old enough, young enough...
And what about those things we tell ourselves, "who am I to do..what will they say or think about me, how can I when I am only...the I'm not good enough, the what if's......"
Your subconscious believes what it hears. So feed it the good stuff. Language creates your reality. So let positive language be your guide to a better, happier life.
Use word that make you strong and powerful. Think of the children's book The Little Engine That Could
"I can't" sets you up, and makes you weak, "I won't.... because", has truth, integrity and power and generates respect both for you and the person you are communicating with.
"I should" implies a lack of choice, while "I could" gives you the freedom to play
"I hope I can", takes it out of your control, while "I will" makes it happen, and if it doesn't well it's better to have tried and failed then not to have taken the chance.
Switch the "If " to, "I can" and you can transform your attitude and the outcome. They don't call it a "can do attitude" for nothing.
Who are "they" anyway to say stuff like that. Make the "they" "I" and watch you life take off.
Did you know the word decide comes from the latin de-meaning to off and cide- to cut like homo-cide, pest-cide, spermi-cide, sui-cide.
So decide essentially means to kill off the other options.
Changing "I decide" to" I choose", and take back control of your life.