The importance of a name
Let's call a spade, a spade.
What difference does it make what I call it, you know what I mean.
He lives into his name.
His parents knew what they were doing when they called her....
Sound familiar?
I know when my boys were born, we spent days thinking about what to name them. Ultimately naming my oldest after my Father, Yakov Binyamin (as I wanted...but thought just to use one of his names) instead of Daniel Yakov. There is a saying that G-d guides parents in finding the appropriate name for a child. I know from personal experience with my 4 boys, that each one brought up in the same house with, with the same parents, giving their all, is totally different and each into his name.
From the oldest to the youngest each one manifests differently, with or without their issues. My oldest is thoughtful, intelligent, well spoken and always right, but he has the proof, subtle and funny. He embodies the trait of responsibility. His line is "leave me alone" yet he comes home every weekend and is always willing to play a game.
My second Ilan, has his personal issues, he was diagnosed NOS-PDD basically he has an inability to pick up on social cues. He is wonderful and warm. Brilliant and creative. He has created a script for when he meets new people so he can interact with them. He is the first in the house to offer to help, is a wonderful listener when he can stop pacing...His line is "what can I do for you". He has taught himself to play piano (now he takes lessons) and has been blogging since the beginning of the summer. If you want to read something that will challenge your way of thinking or just give you a laugh check out his blog it is an amazing look into the mind of an out of the box thinker.
My Uriel, has "It" everyone loves him. He is independent, responsible, a go-getter, a good worker, the ultimate athlete - he is a rock climber, loves to move fast and loves knives, he and his father built a knife throwing target next to the house. He also helps chop things the kitchen. Is planning on going into a special unit in the IDF so I won't sleep for 5 years. He is my only child that doesn't like to read , in spite of my reading aloud to them for hours on end, and he is the first to do heavy lifting in the house. When I have a project that needs to be done now, he's my go to guy.
And last, but certainly not least is Immanuel, my youngest, a bright sweet artistic kid...I can't say child he's 15. He is my baker, the one who will cook if we are not home. He knows what he likes, and actually tells me about his day.
So a name, can create as well as define.
Looking at 2020 what will you name your future?
My 2020 will be abundant and inspiring. Now I'm off to create a structure to make it so.