Self Worth
I just learnt today that Hassidism teaches that G-d recreates the world every second and that people as G-ds creations are intrinsically worthy. Mind. Blown.
So if we are intrinsically worthy, then my value is not dependent on my performance. I can make mistakes, but that doesn't reduce my value to myself or in the world. It leaves me free to ask for feedback without taking it as a personal attack, free to apologize without making myself wrong, free to appreciate the value I do bring to the world and free to step up and take a chance, because I can, because I am able, because I am created that way.
It also takes away the our permission to make ourselves, and by association, other people small.
It gives me space to love people, without judgment, and to see the greatness within them.
It gives me the strength and the tools I need to be there for people and listen them as great so that they can live into their G-d given worth, and live into their dreams.
It gives me hope, that when I stood up in the Excellence Seminar 15 years ago and said“ I stand for peace in the Middle East” and then moved to Israel, with 4 boys no less, decided “it's too big, it will never happen, who am I to even think I can make a difference in this crazy part of the world”, that it can actually happen, and why not.