September 6, 2016
It's been almost two weeks since the last update. We went to the pool one more time, and Uri sun burnt his lip so badly it hurt him for a week. I'm already peeling off the little color that I got. Very Sad.
School has started. Sharleen and I took Yakov off to Yeshiva on Sunday. We met Manu's new teacher, and love him. Uri is on to a new school at Ravid. It has all of 32 students in the whole school, and he seems to be adaypting well. He's welcome to keep his hair. He brings his skateboard. It's good. Manu too has a new teacher, whom we very much like.<
Today we met with Ilan's teacher. That was a waste of time. He's got a new one. She doesn't know him, and I think she just doesn't get this crowd yet. But then she's young, but it seems everyone seems young these days.
With the new school year, I've found myself inspired to exercise more. I had lost some weight and stalled, and am happy to be back, but quite disappointed with my performance. I've also slipped a bit with the diet - damned chocolate - but I'll lick that too soon enough.
We sat with the architect last week and finally nailed down the roof sufficiently to get the plans in. Our impression is that we spent a lot of time going around in circles to come back to something we already knew two months ago. We're still out on the Windows. Andersen came in about the same price as the cheaper Marvin, so we're leaning toward the Marvin again.
I got a bit further in my book. At the rate I'm going, it shouldn't take more than another week or two. Quora views passed a hundred thousand last week. New people have been moving in to Open Valley, and I certainly have something to offer them, and have started some of those conversations as well.
I had the Serena to the shop and have finally decided to part with it. Now I just want it out of my hands ASAP. I put a for sale sign on the Green Honda as well. It's just time.