So it's been a busy week, saving our fish, fixing the lawnmower, meeting with the Accountant and the Architect, getting the buzz out of Sharleen's car stereo system (this one might have been last week), booking a flight to go to reunion (just me unfortunately) giving up on the custom design of my blogs, re-jiggering the settings to go with the stock bootstrap theme, and starting to write them again instead of wasting my time with the structure.
But the special mention today goes to Yakov. He stresses way too much about school. We have told him since day one that his job is to Have Fun and Learn Something, but I don't know how much fun I'd be having either with ten hour school days, and never feeling like I have enough time to do homework, and having this crazy sense that grades matter (they obviously do at some level, but for the most part they are poor indicators of anything other than the ability to regurgitate that which a teacher has force fed his/her students).
So yesterday, he finally figured out that he could fail literature and come out just fine. I think giving himself that permission will actually let him play inside it a little more. And I don't know what he means by failing anyway. He's never failed a class, and as long as he learns something, I don't think he ever will, I don't care what the numbers say.
I'm also tickled with Uri. He came home yesterday, and I offered to play him a game of chess. He didn't want to. His experience is that he always loses. So I suggested we work on the basics. I gave him a king and a rook and left myself a king, and we ran the drill until he could mate me without thinking about it too much. Now we're working on a king and two bishops. It's a much bigger challenge, but we&39;ll have that one down soon too.
For myself, I've gotten a bit more serious about getting through my restaurant list. The timing really sucks though. It seems the best time to be in touch with the people I need to reach is just when we happen to be busiest with dinner and the kids.
But we are moving forward, so that's good. We also had a home introduction to the Landmak Forum last week, and the possiblity I am inventing for myself and my life is the possibility of being trustiong, bold, and generous. It's a good place to be.