What is Red?
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  12/14/20 03:43, by , Categories: List of 10, Ilan's Red Space

I can't do comedy as the main idea, I need a frame. Or at the very least a word. (Eventually I'll get it right.)

10 Ideas For Stories

  1. To Get To The Other Side - A guide to the fowl religions. Of what constitutes a good death, and the effects of multiple generations of farm indoctrination.
  2. Humans As Social Chickens - You need not consume those who parish of weakness. Your friends are not your food. But you think of yourself as food, because of the years of indoctrination...
  3. Since you can't fly run - a government-provided inspirational novel about flightless birds.
  4. A city is a chicken pen - See how much people want to live there? How much better it is than having to provide for yourself?
  5. Pecking the hand that feeds you - Praise your city overlords for they bring you food from nothing.
  6. Eat The Seeds - For we do not want these plants to grow. They are detrimental to our kind.
  7. Like A Headless Chicken - How to make sure your movement doesn't betray you after you leave or die.
  8. The Cockatrice - a hit-piece
  9. Click Clack Cluck - How to sustain a conversation indefinitely and to get your point across when speaking in groups.
  10. Cluck Clack Click - How to tell real people from imposters


  1. Bawk bawk awkadak
  2. Awkawk Bwacked
  3. Cluck Cluck I'm a chicken not a duck
  4. Bweakcked awkewked
  5. Awkwkwkk bwakc jluk awk
  6. Twitter twatter have my breasts' on a platter
  7. awlawl BWALk
  8. Awk Bwlack awk awk tiwt Cluck Awak
  9. Cwak Cwak Ducks are all twits
  10. Bwak Bwak I too am a dwack

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