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Category: "quicky"

Weekend Quicky

  11/22/20 04:34, by , Categories: quicky

Today's color is #d6d244

So it's the weekend my brothers room flooded and water got in through the floor somehow and flooded our living room and kitchen as well. But the sabbath was out by 5:30 so the only reasons I have for not making a longer or more effortful post, is that I don't feel like it. And I still haven a clue what to write. I've been grasping at straws here and would take another week off if I thought it would help. But it seems that it probably won't help so I'll try for at least half an hour everyday and if I don't have the beginning of anything after that I'll just throw something together.
I should find some inspiration by the end of the week, but I can make no promises.

So I've been complaining a lot, at least here. And making excuses, or repeating my excuses. And in this case as in many others they are true facts in addition to being excuses but they are excuses nonetheless and I am not excusing myself enough instead making myself feel bad about needing excuses.

Really I'm not managing my expectations well, and I'll look into that.
Still I can promise to make my posts better, at least by the end of the year. It is important to me. And a part of that is to still try and write every day so I am doing so. Well, I am repeating this way to much, so I shall have nothing but the posts themselves for the rest of next week.

So another half an hour later I am again back to this

10 A Day In The Life Of Something

  1. A Day In The Life Of A Self Aware Character - a perspective that must be explored.

  2. A Day In The Life Of Someone Else

  3. A Day In Your Own Life

  4. A Day In The Life Of Another You

  5. A Day In The Life Of A Self Help Scammer

  6. A Day In The Life Of An Inmate

  7. A Day In The Life Of Stalin

  8. A Day In The Life Of An Average German During WW2

  9. A Day In A Happy Life

  10. The Day In A Life When Satisfied

Not what I intended to go for with this but my brain isn't right now so I'll

Have a nice week.

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10 Uses For Math

  10/21/20 04:59, by , Categories: List of 10, quicky

Tomorrow may end up being a quicky as well, I'm going to the dentist tomorrow to get my teeth x-rayed. And I have a small project that I'm taking too seriously, It may even take me an extra day to get it done because I'll be doing a lot of math and 3d geometry involving Fibonacci spirals. (or I may give up on the math halfway through and just wing it. )

Most of these a computer can do for you. But if you do it yourself you can selectively choose inaccuracies or apply more flexibly.

  1. Recreating the patterns of plant growth

  2. Making a 2d image look like a real 3d object

  3. Saving money - Statistics and calculus. Of course, statistics will serve you best if they are applied to hundreds and thousands of choices, but it can help if you are in a position of power.

  4. Creating water clocks and timers - of course, this isn't applicable in your life unless whatever is leaking leaks at a consistent pace.

  5. Rube Golberg Machines - And this can be an extension of the previous one.

  6. Produce your own firearms - if you want them to be accurate you need the bullets to fit pretty snugly into the pipe. (The information presented in this post is Still in no way reflective of my attitude towards firearms. I am simply making this into a running gag)

  7. Managing sewage systems - Because you need to know how many pounds of sewage would cause it all to collapse and how many sewage jams the system can handle. Also so that you can clear the jams.

  8. Coutning to ten can help you titile lists correctly - Of course, I'm not chainging it if I was writting it past midnight I simply posted it as a work in progress. And I have no good reasosn for why it took me so late to write this, I simply knew not about what.

  9. Save money while shopping - by calculating how much you'll actually need and use, and how much it will cost you to store the extra your getting because it's cheap. Also if it's acutally on sale or if they're actually just scamming you, but with the interent you don't need that much math.

  10. Win At Gambling - Count Cards.

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Sweet Nothings

  10/09/20 06:07, by , Categories: List of 10, quicky

Because the story is incoherent. And I can't share it without feeling embarrassed. If it was coherent I would share it with feeling embarrassed. But it isn't so I'm not.

Here it is late and a few sweet nothings.

  1. Flowers are pretty and so are you.

  2. Some would say you are pretty from the inside but that's just creepy

  3. We are pretty, but sometimes we have to lose some fat to show it.

  4. Too much fat is as unattractive as too much of anything, hair, makeup, etc.

  5. It's already past my posting time. It is already tomorrow.

  6. One bit of research wouldn't be amiss. But when I look at you I see the abyss.

  7. Always believing the worst thing about others and the best about yourself is one of the most harmful things people do. OR maybe it's a harmful thing people do most often. Or maybe it's somewhere in between I should make a graph sometimes but it will probably be inaccurate.

  8. I'm often inaccurate though I try not to be, in you at least someone can see beauty. But do you want them to?

  9. And nine ten eleven, what do you see when you look in the mirror, a three? What can you do as your potential is far more than that, the only missing thing is I don't know that's up to you.

  10. And leave nothing to chance, for all success needs a bit of luck but all if you don't work to use your luck you shall fail regardless.

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12 Non-Curse Curses

  09/22/20 04:43, by , Categories: List of 12, quicky

I tried another post today, but it was about people and I haven't interacted enough with people to create a post of that type. At least if I don't want it to be misleading. So instead I'll make it silly.

  1. Frickity frock that's a load of crock
  2. Frickity frack, are you on crack?
  3. Eat some fruit ya pirate
  4. Pickidy poo, what's wrong with you?
  5. Lickidy knee, what's wrong with me?

    (it should probably go Lickady, but I'm spelling it as it sounds. At least to me.)
  6. Pretzel Twister - also an insult, I need more exclamations, well I have more exclamations but I need ones that are I can spell in English. I can't just have P'cnlhc, it doesn't communicate clearly the impact.
  7. Snake eggs - an exclamation
  8. Tick Eater - back to personal insults I guess
  9. Nostalgia Bait - wow know I'm just getting hurtful, but I try to be too clever at times so let me go for something smaller.
  10. Maximum Overhole
  11. Minimus thinkus
  12. Pen Tumbler

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10 Ways To Expand My Horizons

  09/21/20 02:27, by , Categories: List of 12, quicky, Ilan's Red Space

Well, I can't know if these will actually expand my horizons or how because I can't see beyond my horizons otherwise they wouldn't be horizons. I can guess though so I'll try that.

  1. Learn mechanics then work in a garage - it's distant from my lifestyle. But just the working on cars would give me a better perspective on how the world works and probably more apretiation for the systems we already have in place.

  2. Learing more about statistics and discision making - I'll get how the big guys do it, and a better sense of why things go wrong.

  3. Learing more about advanced but apilicible math - and physics to go along with it, sense of how the world works, and more tool to apretiate it.

  4. Try to use scientific method to gather information, research than write about a subject - this seems like it will, because the subject I first chose was forgivness and my current understanding of the subject is "It's complicated."

  5. Actually get out of my house more - the current enviorns get in the way, but not that much.

  6. FInaly learn to drive - I am seriously afraid of cars, and rightfully so, and I don't trust myself enough to drive one.

  7. Get around regardless

  8. Three month hike - well a few weeks would also have some effect but I haven't done this and believe this will give me better apretiation and perspective. (I know I noticed I interpert the frace expand your horizons in a matter different form the norm.)

  9. Try to get a job I con't feel qualfied for - slowly reduce my standeards untill I find where I'm actually valued at and what I need to get where I want to. (or I'll relize I need to quit said job because I don't know what I'm doing, but does this job actually need to be done? Is me being there simply getting who would normally be there out of the way? But then it would be wrong to collect money doing nothing so, questions for later. But not much later.)

  10. Actually try to sell a product - I know it's hard, but I don't actually know whats hard about it and what would be doing something wrong.

    - + 2
  11. Start a weekly video or podcast channel - better sense of what I can do, and more.

  12. Actually post my more ambitious writtings, put effort into getting it read - than I could know what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong.

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