What is Red?

Category: "List of 10"


  12/13/20 21:43, by , Categories: List of 10, Ilan's Red Space

I can't do comedy as the main idea, I need a frame. Or at the very least a word. (Eventually I'll get it right.)

10 Ideas For Stories

  1. To Get To The Other Side - A guide to the fowl religions. Of what constitutes a good death, and the effects of multiple generations of farm indoctrination.
  2. Humans As Social Chickens - You need not consume those who parish of weakness. Your friends are not your food. But you think of yourself as food, because of the years of indoctrination...
  3. Since you can't fly run - a government-provided inspirational novel about flightless birds.
  4. A city is a chicken pen - See how much people want to live there? How much better it is than having to provide for yourself?
  5. Pecking the hand that feeds you - Praise your city overlords for they bring you food from nothing.
  6. Eat The Seeds - For we do not want these plants to grow. They are detrimental to our kind.
  7. Like A Headless Chicken - How to make sure your movement doesn't betray you after you leave or die.
  8. The Cockatrice - a hit-piece
  9. Click Clack Cluck - How to sustain a conversation indefinitely and to get your point across when speaking in groups.
  10. Cluck Clack Click - How to tell real people from imposters


  1. Bawk bawk awkadak
  2. Awkawk Bwacked
  3. Cluck Cluck I'm a chicken not a duck
  4. Bweakcked awkewked
  5. Awkwkwkk bwakc jluk awk
  6. Twitter twatter have my breasts' on a platter
  7. awlawl BWALk
  8. Awk Bwlack awk awk tiwt Cluck Awak
  9. Cwak Cwak Ducks are all twits
  10. Bwak Bwak I too am a dwack

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Weekend Pre-Post Post 2

  12/04/20 14:55, by , Categories: List of 10, Pre-Post

Because there is only one post a day for Friday, and after the Shabbat is out.

Today's color is #ad8234

Ten One-Line Questions: (No filter this time, as I think I write.)

  1. What is the most common activity done during times of supposed rest?

  2. How do societies with high child mortality cope with child death?

  3. When did humanity start taking hamsters and other rodents as pets?

  4. How can I use the word coordination in place of a noun? (Why do I want to?)

  5. What is the most drastic change I can make at the moment?

  6. When will everyone calm down? (Had there ever been a time that was "calm"?)

  7. What is the safest place in the world? (And what is the most dangerous?)

  8. What species other than human is most likely to be sapient?

  9. Is it inevitable that in an occupied ecological system, a creature will become sapient? (or if there is proper room and material to make tools. Tree's are really good for that, long sticks and all that.)

  10. If human society came from Neanderthals instead of homo sapiens, would we be better off? (Would we be better off if we were Neanderthals?)

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10 Randomly Defined Words

  11/26/20 23:49, by , Categories: List of 10

I was going to write "10 Tips for trying to get used to a new thing in your life" but I don't have much helpful to say on the subject so I'll just use a random word generator to help me create a post.

Well I guess I'm re-defining 10 random words again.

  1. Version

    Mine is the truth; yours is your version of the truth.
    Therefore a version is a falsehood believed to be the truth. Well, a version of the truth is that.
    A version is different from the word it's describing; a version of a coat is a type of coat, but it is not what you expect when I say coat.
    So a version isn't necessarily different because, to me, it is just a coat. A version of something is simply not to one's expectations of the thing.
    And it also has a different definition, but words can mean many things.
  2. Pain

    A sensation we would rather avoid. But why? Pain is simply physical unpleasantness, and it is so universal that mental unpleasantness is also often pain.
    So pain is the sensation of wrongness or damage to the material making up a plant or animal. Maybe more things experience pain, but as of yet, I am unaware.
  3. Horizon

    An edge that only exists when seen from afar. Like the place, the sun set's behind,
    Carrot (I'm not doing carrot another one.)
  4. photograph

    A photograph is a result of photography where we produce an image by having light shine upon a service that can easily capture it. Or something of the sort.
    A photograph is a human attempt at capturing an image. A recreation on a flat surface or within a screen. A recreation because we are visual creatures.
  5. Arrest

    To arrest is to stop, and also to take into custody. And while words have many meanings, it is because of variations in usage over time. So taking into custody is the temporary stopping of a life. So be aware of the hours you are taking from another human being. Would you arrest an old man with only a day left to live if you knew you would have to keep him in custody for more than two days?
    Well, maybe I'm taking this too far.
  6. Useful

    Of use, can be used, etc. But what is used that you could be of it? And can be used for what? Well, it depends the word is as vague as it is useful. And it is useful to be vague. Or vague to be useful.
  7. Producer

    An entity that produces through the act of production. To produce is to create; production is the act of creation. The extraction of resources can also be production, as the resources produced are wanted more than the raw material going in. So does production require that what comes out is more wanted than what comes in? At least by the producers' estimation of what others want. But are you still producing if you believe less value comes out the other end? Yes, but you are consuming more than you are producing, and that gives me one more definition.
    Produce, the opposite of consume. We produce waste after consuming food. But we are not all producers because when we say producer, we more often mean producer of value. And waste does not have value to us.
  8. Retire

    To put aside, or to stop work. For what is a man without action? And what is a tool that isn't used?
    Both are retired.
  9. Motif

    Something that repeats to help with communication.
  10. Monarch

    A ruler of men, or a pretty butterfly. As I said, words mean a lot of things. And monarch is more than a word; it is a title. And I've already 40 minutes on this. I'm not doing titles right now. They are way too subjective.
    Oh, why not. A monarch is an individual that stands at the top of society and political system and supposedly has all the power. Having all the power is not feasible, and sometimes the monarch is kept fed and full of vices so that they won't want to use that power. But they are still the monarch; you cannot remove the title until you often remove the monarch's head. But by then, it was a title alone.

Oh, but it is thanksgiving, but since we are elsewhere, we are pushing off the celebration to be done in addition to the holy Shabbath. I must write about thanks. But first, I shall give thanks. (Though not here, I am trying to keep my blog posts more pure, as it helps me produce better posts. And once I'm clear on how to produce better posts, I shall be back with the personal.)

Happy thanksgiving to my American audience. And happy thanks giving to everybody else.

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10 Quotes For My Maybe Book Ideas

  11/24/20 22:58, by , Categories: List of 10

  1. Maybe She Loves You - a relationship guide.
    • "Maybe she does love you. But love has to come from somewhere, so ask her what she likes best about you; if you can't ask that, you are pining after something that isn't real. Then you should be worried."

  2. Maybe A Crime (book 1)
    • "We all know what was paid and who it was paid to. But we don't know what was bought. And with who it was paid to, there may or not be a crime."

  3. The Great May Be Murders (book 3)
    • "Who's done it? That's not what you should be asking. Who done what?is the question."

  4. There May Be A Second Book - answers to everything
    • "The easiest question to answer is that will you get offended reading this book. No matter who you are, if you are human, this will offend you. And if you identify as otherwise or see yourself as separate from humanity, you'll be even more offended."

  5. Maybe Dragons Exist - A storyteller tells stories in a fantasy world. The stories are not true, but they feel true to the listeners.
    • "Have you ever heard the story of the great marble worlds? And what of the planet circling the moon? Have you ever seen an ugly fey? Well, you can be sure they exist, but some things are slightly more complicated than that." (I cannot create the full idea without immersing myself in the context for a while, so this is all I have for now.)

  6. Maybe Superheroes Exist - From the perspective of a journalist.
    • "People say they saw someone flying out of a building, but if this was truly the Grey Mark, then there would be reports of people saved by him. I am more likely to believe that people jumped to avoid the fire it happened before.

  7. The Great Maybe - How the universe will end if it ends.
    • (I know not the science needed to explain this, and it is meant to be a scientific book. So a quote from the introduction.)

      "Now we all know that the sun will eventually blow up, but we expect to have figured out space travel by then; we have a few billion years. If we worried about that, then we'd have to worry about a whole bunch of other things. Regardless, we want to know how it will all end when it all ends if it all ends, and here are I will present the information we have on the subject as comprehensible and entertainingly as I can.
  8. Maybe It All Began That Way - Early scientific theories of how the universe came to be.
    • "Science is a recent concept, only existing for a few hundred years. But science is a realm of theories, and we have had many Many theories."

      "Many modern scientists will think themselves different than the people who I am talking about, but they were trying the best they could knowing what they did, with all they had at their disposal. If you cannot say the same about yourself, you do not have a right to judge them unworthy of the name scientist." (People have opinions.)
  9. Maybe Originals - Cases of parallel innovations throughout history. And what we can learn from them.
    • " A fine example of parallel innovation as I describe the term is the discovery and invention of agriculture. Many isolated and separated tribes and nations discovered agriculture on their own. But probably less than you'd expect, there is a lot that needs to happen for agriculture to be discovered, although once it was discovered, many followed similar paths."

  10. When Maybe isn't enough - a case for speaking your mind and for saying no.
    • "We don't like letting people down or saying no. the first human the other a habit. But when we push these things off, all we're doing is making it harder for our future selves, and you do not want to let an open maybe fester." (I wanted to do so much more with this one, but I did not yet put my case together in a logical fashion, so this is all I have.)

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The Word Maybe

  11/19/20 22:01, by , Categories: List of 10

Because it's an excuse not to put in the work necessary to finish the hypothetical about stuff being sharp. Because that has FAR reaching consequences and I'm not ready for all that right now.

12 8 6 Definitions Of Maybe

  1. A polite refusal

  2. I do not want to, but you may still be able to convince me.

  3. I do not want to, but I do not want to preclude myself the opportunity.

  4. There is a chance that.

  5. I shouldn't tell you, but by saying this, I am implying something about your inquiry

    - (or depends on the delivery)
  6. I am unwilling to provide you with any information you can possibly find useful

  7. maybe may be may be, maybe?

  8. Maybe maybe may be may be.

Well, what else?
I need a complete list, it doesn't have to be good or decent or I can do it

10 Book Ideas Using The Words Maybe and May Be

  1. Maybe She Loves You - a relationship guide

  2. Maybe A Crime (book 1)

  3. The Great May Be Murders (book 3)

  4. There May Be A Second Book - answers to everything

  5. Maybe Dragons Exist - A storyteller tells stories in a fantasy world. The stories are not true, but they feel true to the listeners.

  6. Maybe Superheroes Exist - From the perspective of a journalist.

  7. The Great Maybe - How the universe will end if it ends.

  8. Maybe It All Began That Way - Early scientific theories of how the universe came to be.

  9. Maybe Originals - Cases of parallel innovations throughout history. And what we can learn from them.

  10. When Maybe isn't enough - a case for speaking your mind, and for saying no.

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