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In response to: Pre-Post 71

then: as a consequence of; following in time
I disagree with your statement on the most present self: this may be in your case, but for others it could be a drive toward something, or a running away from, or just silence, or perhaps disappearance.
perhaps it is in the learning what to put first that the drive can arise.
If you get narrow enough, I suppose you could find plenty. I suspect there are enzymes or pathways or mutations that only one person is expert in. Or almost dead arts that only have a few left, languages, obscure musical instruments, or notations, or scales, using certain media for art, or special tools or equipment. or organisms that only grow in select limited ecosystems.
As to the most experts, either driving, or cooking, or making messes, but then what does it mean to be an expert at making messes?
Is it arrogant or visionary to be a Galieo, or a Buckminster Fuller, or Dr. Mark? I expect there were, and still are, a lot of people out there who were thought of as crackpots, until they proved the common wisdom wrong.
Maybe President Trump, Al Gore, Hilary Clinton, I don’t know why but it’s politicians that come to mind.
Agree with your last statement, but then wonder if arrogance isn’t a judgement that we impose on something rather than an objective fact.
In response to: Pre-Post 70

What results do you want? Really, specifically??? When you are clear on that, you can start making the plan to get them.
In response to: Every Day

First, there are a few words you could not mix up, like than/then: you use them enough, you could use them correctly.
Second, I don’t know exactly how you are conceiving discipline, but it seems an element might be as self-coercion. I don’t think that’s an entirely worthy pursuit.
In response to: Weekend Post Number Something Or Other

What about what stick, or what carrot after deprivation? We can suggest change to minds via brainwashing, we can damage them, wipe them, shock them.
And that’s what growing up is: choosing one thing rather than another, one place to play more so that you can be better there than anyone else, or at least enough people that your services are wanted.
In response to: It's My Birthday

But what is someone’s value, and how do we see it? And what if we see value differently than the person?
In response to: Pre-Post 67

I think “heartless” is also very culture specific. In some cultures, a mixed culture child can be treated very badly. Would it be heartless to abort a child on that account? What about if you already had a child in a country with a one child policy? What if you knew having a second would cause hardship to the first, and perhaps put the whole family structure at risk?
What about killing an enemy, or a non-combatant from the enemies side? What if the likelihood was high that by not killing him, information would leak about your whereabouts putting your unit at risk?
Or is it simply not having the empathy that we’d expect?
Or taking joy in firing people? But what if we know that will save the company, and a whole lot of other people’s jobs.
In response to: Pre-Post 66

For the powers question, I’m going to go with thought.
The rest I’m pretty sure I don’t understand.
In response to: Another Failed Species

I really liked where your last thought was going. Are we not part of nature? What would it mean if we were to let nature take its course? What is that exactly?
In response to: 10 More Words Randomly Defined

Time is not necessary for it to be flat, only for us to consider it.
In response to: Pre-Post 62

It’s always a nice day when I read your posts. Thank you for sharing.
In response to: 5 Made Up Reasons To Wash Your Hands

It makes me think of how we ritualize things to create a common story, because that’s where most of us live, in stories I mean.
In response to: Pre-Post 63

it might be step for step that stairs are more dangerous than flat, but we spend a lot more time on flattish surfaces, so I’m guessing there is much more injury there.
In response to: 10 More Words Randomly Defined

for flat, how about existing in two dimensions and time only.
don’t understand six
think eight through ten are hilarious
In response to: Pre-Post 64

I’ve been loving your colors this week (remember I scroll through these backwards), so if there are any here you think look particularly lawyerly, feel free to go there.
In response to: The Phrase "Lost And Confused"

It’s good, and you are making it happen, and maybe this is the way. Maybe you should do a week, or a month, or a few days of posts about the life that could be. Start with a bunch of lists of ten lives that could be. Just ten, don’t go long here. And let things repeat if they want. And see what themes show up.
And when you find one you like, use a few more to flesh out how it looks. And when that goes far enough, do Jordan’s future authoring, and then try to play that out.
In response to: Weekend Pre-Post Post 2

1. I’d guess sleep, or watching TV.
2. They have more kids?
3. Probably when they realized bigger food makes nicer meals.
4. In place of what noun? It is a noun. I am going to visit the coordination today. Coordination is my favorite sport. Without coordination, things might get messed up. Coordination is coming over for dinner. Coordination is coming over for coordination. For coordination’s sake. Pardon me, would you have any coordination.
5. Well, this is only limited by your imagination, though I’d say death is pretty drastic, and things leading to it, like socialism. But then getting people to celebrate their infinite power and take responsibility for it could also cause some drastic changes. I think you have to look at things that have multiplier effects. I’d say get the last of the world’s poor up over $5000 a year, cause the super intelligent to breed in larger numbers, bring back a moral compass to those un-moored, and you’ve made a pretty good start.
6. It’s all in their heads. When they own their power (see previous answer).
7. Your own mind, on both counts.
8. Aliens, but we haven’t classified them into any of our systems yet.
9. That’s an amazingly good question. A corollary: was our rise inevitable?
10. I don’t think so. I think they would have been just with maybe different morphology, but mostly the same.
In response to: Decide (and a mini update)

I love the boxes you put things it. It really lets you look at how you relate to the world. And shapes your thinking so you can sharpen it (I like sentence fragments sometimes).
In response to: 10 Randomly Defined Words

So, I just bought you two more domains, and You should be able to access them where you go to comment on my blogs. They are in b2evolution: it’s just a better space.
And you better appreciate it too. I just wasted an hour trying to figure out how to set you up.